Destination & Park Model Trailers for sale Ontario

May. 31 2018 News By Sturgeon Woods RV

Sturgeon Woods RV offer a huge range of portable RVs and trailers, they are easily towable and offer flexible arrangements for short stays and cross country touring. However, this style of travel isn’t for everyone, in addition, fifth wheels and travel trailers, in order to maximize mobility, nearly always sacrifice interior space, or require expensive slide out sections. So what’s the answer? People looking to spend longer periods at their destination, people who aren’t overly comfortable with towing often find that investing in a Park Model Trailer for sale in Ontario is the best solution. Sturgeon Woods RV of Leamington, ON have put together this introduction to Park Models, or as they are also known, Destination Trailers, to bring you up to speed with these specialist RVs.

As was briefly touched upon in the intro to this article, a Park Model, or Destination Trailer is best described by just reading the name. Its primary use is as a residence that is generally left in one location, but can be moved from time to time. Physically speaking, a park model trailer is one that is built upon a single chassis platform, which is mounted on road going wheels, with a gross floor area not exceeding 50m² when set up at the destination.

Whilst the initial cost of a Park Model can seem high, it must be noted that they do offer ongoing savings when compared to purchasing a fixed abode at your favorite destination. A Park Model offers many, if not all of the features of a log cabin or manufactured home, but remains exempt from annual property tax, provided it meets the criteria to be classified as an RV.

Travel Trailers and Fifth Wheels can take up a lot of driveway space at your home, if this is something you don’t have much of to begin with, or perhaps you live in a community whereby RVs aren’t allowed to be parked on driveways, a Park Model or Destination Trailer may be the perfect choice for you; as you will leave it at the site for the season, you won’t have the concern of storing it in between vacations.

Some even choose to turn their Park Model RVs into a business – due to the semi fixed nature of this style of trailer, they are ideal to rent out when you aren’t staying there yourself.

Thanks to the large size of the Park Model style trailers, they offer the opportunity to install amenities that are simply not possible in smaller RVs. For example expanded kitchens for those who love to cook, or huge LED televisions and game centers for those who can’t live without cinema quality home movie nights! You’ll find room for full size washers and dryers, and for a truly authentic camping experience, some can even be outfitted with real log burning stoves! Most of all, the increased size simply gives a long term, residential experience that isn’t possible with smaller units like fifth wheels and travel trailers, most owners agree that they are truly a home away from home; this is especially important for large groups planning to stay together, as the sleeping accommodations are greatly expanded compared to traditional RVs. Outside of the occasions whereby you plan to move your Park Model, having the trailer at your destination ahead of time means you don’t always have to drive a truck or large SUV – you can travel in a family sedan, a sports car or even a motorcycle, allowing for more comfortable and enjoyable exploration of your vacation spot.

If this is your first foray into the world of Park Models and Destination Trailers, don’t worry! Sturgeon Woods RV are here to help you find the right unit for you. Nine times out of ten, those considering this type of RV already have a destination in mind, with that being said, this is something we thoroughly recommend before purchasing this type of unit. If you plan to leave it at an RV park or camp site rather than on private land, the site owners can sometimes have restrictions on size, and even color; so if your heart is set on a destination, ensure the Park Model you’re interested in fits the bill before going ahead and buying!

There really is no one type of camper that a Park Model RV is suited for, whether you’re an outdoorsman setting up a base for hunting, a sailor looking to spend as much time as possible on the lake, a snowbird looking to escape the cold winters, or even if it’s just that your idea of camping is a 3 star hotel, you should really be considering the Destination Trailers or Park trailers for sale at Sturgeon Woods RV.

Check out this 2018 CrossRoads Hampton park model trailer for sale Ontario

If you’re interested in Park Model trailers for sale Ontario, then get in touch with Sturgeon Woods RV Sales Ontario, as soon as possible! We have a large inventory and we are also able to custom order to your exact specification. If you aren’t looking to buy new, don’t worry, we also have used park model trailers for sale Ontario! That’s right, used or new, Sturgeon Woods RV of Leamington, are amongst the top dealers of destination trailers Ontario have to offer. With easy in house financing and online credit applications, you could be closer than you think to your dream RV.

Our friendly team are all outdoor enthusiasts and their passion for all things RV will reassure you right away, that your best interests are right at heart. Whether you’re just passing by and drop in to see us, or if you choose to set up an appointment with our specialist team, we can’t wait to meet you!